Friends of Brightwood Park
2024 Calendar
Look for the 🐸 for Brightwood Kids Classes! Varying times for different ages. Descriptions of the classes are here.
Sign Up for all programs HERE (*unless there are specific other instructions) Meet at the Park.
Sign Up for all programs HERE (*unless there are specific other instructions) Meet at the Park.
January February March
March 2: Read Across America Day Story Walk with Dr. Seuss' The Lorax 🐸
March 21: Nature Detectives Class: Spring into Brightwood Park 🐸
March 21: Nature Detectives Class: Spring into Brightwood Park 🐸
April May June
April 18: Nature Detectives Class: Pollinator Gardens 🐸
April 21: Green Team organized Brightwood Park Clean Up Day
May 4: Brightwood Park Day: A Celebration of Westfield's Nature Park 🐸
May 13: Art in the Park - Plein Air Painting
May 16: Nature Detectives Class: Five Senses in Brightwood Park 🐸
June 13: Nature Detectives Class: Woodland Obstacle Course 🐸
April 21: Green Team organized Brightwood Park Clean Up Day
May 4: Brightwood Park Day: A Celebration of Westfield's Nature Park 🐸
May 13: Art in the Park - Plein Air Painting
May 16: Nature Detectives Class: Five Senses in Brightwood Park 🐸
June 13: Nature Detectives Class: Woodland Obstacle Course 🐸
July August September
July TBA: Nature Detectives Class: Dirt + Water = Mud 🐸
September TBA: Nature Detectives Class: 🐸
September TBA: Nature Detectives Class: 🐸
October November December
October TBA: Nature Detectives Class: 🐸
October TBA: Halloween Family Event: Jack-O-Lantern Trail 🐸
November TBA: Nature Detectives Class: 🐸
October TBA: Halloween Family Event: Jack-O-Lantern Trail 🐸
November TBA: Nature Detectives Class: 🐸